When there is a dripping faucet, this is an obvious water leak. To some, this may seem inconsequential; however, it is your money going down the drain. Wasting water is wrong. Besides being costly over time by increasing the water bills, conserving water is good for the environment.

How much water is wasted by a leak?

If a faucet or shower drips at the rate of about one drop per second, this wastes around five gallons of water per day. This adds up to over 2,000 gallons of water wasted per year. That is why you need to make the repairs to stop water leaks.

Where are hidden water leaks?

One problem is that there may be hidden leaks that are just as wasteful or more. Cracked pipes may drip inside the walls. This wastes water and may cause structural damage over time that needs expensive repairs. Old water heaters may leak when the tank rusts. Water mains may have underground leaks in the feed line that leads to the house. Even an outside faucet for a garden hose may be leaking. That one is easy to miss. Swimming pools, hot tubs, water fountains in the garden, and any other things refilled by water may have a leak

How do you know if your house has hidden leaks?

Having a professional plumber search for hidden leaks is a good idea, especially if you notice a sudden unexplainable increase in your water bill. In Wisconsin, there is also the possibility of cracks forming in pipes and/or connectors if the water in them freezes. Your plumber checks all the different parts of the plumbing system for leaks to find those the visible and the hidden ones.

Some signs of hidden water leaks may include:

The water meter runs, even when all systems in the house are off.

Moisture occurs at the base of walls or the carpet is slightly wet near the walls.

Some signs of hidden water leaks may include:

  • The water meter runs even when all systems in the house are turned off.
  • Moisture collects at the base of walls or the carpet is slightly wet near the walls.
  • Your plumber may hear small leaks by using a listening device on pipes and walls.

Regular Maintenance to Prevent Hidden Leaks

As part of regular spring maintenance, call the professionals from Steve’s Plumbing & Heating serving Wisconsin Rapids, Stevens Point, Marshfield, Wausau and all the surrounding areas. They will come over to conduct a home inspection. They check for leaks and to make sure all the home systems, including the heating system and drains, are working properly after winter weather subsides. For any needed repairs, you get an estimate with easy-to-understand straightforward pricing that is fair and honest.