If you own a vintage home, there’s a good chance you’re still heating your house with an old-fashioned boiler system. If your unit has grown less efficient over time, you might assume it’s outdated and in need of replacement, but unless it’s really old, you may be wrong.

When properly maintained, boilers can last 50 years and sometimes longer. They’re typically more energy-efficient than furnaces and produce a tremendous amount of heat, which is perfect for our frigid Wisconsin winters.

But if your boiler is getting less efficient, you need to find out why, if you want to keep your home comfortable throughout the cold season. Rather than replacing your heating system, you may be able to restore its efficiency and even prolong its functional life.

How do you do that? It all boils down to maintaining your boiler properly, and you can learn how to do that below.

Daily Preventive Boiler Maintenance

To increase the longevity of your boiler system, it’s important to take proper care of it on a daily basis. What does that mean for you?

Here’s a basic boiler maintenance checklist:

●        Examine the vent termination for debris buildup and clear it if necessary.

●        Record temperature and pressure readings regularly. Make sure they stay within the designated range.

●        Maintain the area around your boiler. Keep it free of obstructive materials, objects, and dust.

●        Examine the area around your boiler for leaking water.

●        Listen for unusual noises or vibrations coming from the unit.

Monthly Boiler Maintenance

In addition to your daily maintenance checks, you should also examine the following components every month. Keep an eye out for these four signs you need boiler repairs.

Inspect the Relief Valve

This valve regulates pressure inside your boiler system, and because it’s under a lot of stress, it can develop leaks over time. If your unit’s relief valve appears to be leaking, that may indicate its pressure level is too high for it to handle, which can be very dangerous.

If you notice anything that looks like a leak, call a boiler repair specialist ASAP. A pro can adjust the pressure to a safe level and repair any leaks to keep you and your family safe.

Examine Piping

Thoroughly inspect all of your boiler’s combustion air piping for deterioration, damage, and leaks. If you notice anything that looks off, call a pro. The piping may need to be replaced or it may have developed a blockage, and both situations require the attention of a specialist.

Check the Burner Flame

If you have a gas boiler, it has a burner flame that should burn constantly. You need to check this flame monthly to make sure it’s still going strong. If it appears to be faltering or isn’t lit at all, you may be dealing with one or more of the following issues:

●        Insufficient fuel

●        Closed or faulty fuel supply valve

●        Dirty fuel oil strainer

●        Dirty flame scanner

●        Damaged or leaking linkages

If you’re unfamiliar with how to identify and diagnose any of these issues, leave the job to a boiler repair professional. A pro can quickly figure out what’s causing the flame to fail and repair the issue. If you need a new unit, a pro can also recommend the most efficient boiler for the size of your home and your budget.

Annual Boiler Maintenance

Once a year, inspect all of your boiler’s wiring and connections to make sure they’re secure and fully intact. If you notice any damaged, deteriorated, or loosened wires, those wires may need to be professionally replaced. You’ll also want to give your HVAC ductwork and indoor vents a once-over to check for blockages, debris buildup, and duct leaks.

If your air ducts and/or vents are full of dust and debris, your boiler will have to work harder than it should to heat your home. And if your ductwork has leaks, they’ll compound the problem by allowing hot air to escape the duct system before it ever reaches your living areas.

Over time, the unit will experience a drop in efficiency from performing all that additional work, and its lifespan may decrease, too.

Schedule Professional Boiler Maintenance

Before the cold season settles in, it’s in your best interest to ensure your system is in proper working order. That way you won’t deal with any unwelcome surprises in sub-freezing weather.

That’s why you should contact a professional boiler maintenance service to schedule an annual inspection that will identify any existing issues and potential red flags. The months leading up to winter are an ideal time to make the call.

If you’ve completed your daily maintenance checklist diligently, the information you’ve collected will be useful to a boiler maintenance technician. Recording your daily observations can help you relay any unusual occurrences to your technician, so they can make the appropriate repairs.

As long as you keep up with boiler maintenance, you’ll enjoy a long-lasting heating system and a cozy home throughout the winter. Many homeowners actually prefer boiler systems due to the tremendous amount of heat they produce and their energy-efficient nature. Check out these other ways to make your home more energy efficient, too.

Need Boiler Repairs Near Wisconsin Rapids?

If your boiler is due for its yearly professional maintenance, contact our team at Steve’s Plumbing & Heating! We’re boiler repair and maintenance experts and can keep your heating system running in top form throughout winter. Whether you’re dealing with boiler efficiency issues or any other type of performance problem, we can help.

To learn more about our boiler maintenance and repair services, schedule a service appointment, give us a call today at 715-421-1800. You can also request a free estimate online, and we’ll get in touch with additional information.