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From monthly archives: September 2023

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'September 2023'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Household Drains Acting Up? 4 Signs You Have a Sewer Problem

One of the worst things that can happen to your home is a malfunctioning main sewer line. This issue doesn’t just put a serious kink in your daily household operations; it puts the structure of your home at risk for severe damage. And if you fail to recognize the issue and seek prompt sewer repair, fixing the damage could cost you thousands. To help you avoid a household disaster, the experts at Steve’s Plumbing & Heating outline four signs that your house has a mainline sewer problem.

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4 Signs It’s Time for a New Toilet

A malfunctioning toilet isn’t just an annoying inconvenience; it’s a severe problem. And if you’re currently dealing with persistent toilet issues, there’s a significant chance you need a new toilet. But how on earth can you tell the difference between a minor issue that necessitates a simple repair and a severe problem that requires a total overhaul?

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